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To have a more precise view of the research activity of each faculty, please take a look to their recent publications, available at their respective Research Gate, Google Scholar, and Lattes Curriculum pages.

Prof. André Ricardo Abed Grégio

Prof. André Grégio

Prof. Carlos Alberto Maziero

Prof. Carlos Maziero

Prof. Elias Procópio Duarte Jr.

Prof. Elias Duarte Jr

Prof. Luis Carlos Erpen de Bona

Prof. Luis Bona

  • PhD from UTFPR - Federal University of Technology (Brazil), 2006.
  • Research: Distributed systems, cloud computing, digital preservation systems, software-defined networks, high-performance computing.

Prof. Luiz Carlos Pessoa Albini

Prof. Luiz Albini

Prof. Wagner M. Nunan Zola

Prof. Wagner Zola

  • PhD from UFPR - Federal University of Paraná (Brazil), 2015.
  • Research: GPU computing, parallel computing, operating systems, high performance computing, distributed systems.
en/docentes.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/07 10:34 by maziero