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start [2019/01/16 13:51] – [Prof. Carlos A. Maziero, Dr] mazierostart [2023/09/22 09:57] (atual) maziero
Linha 1: Linha 1:
 +===== Prof. Carlos A. Maziero, PhD =====
 +Professor and researcher in resource management and security in operating systems and distributed systems.
 +| {{:carlos-maziero-2021.jpg?130 |Prof. Carlos Maziero}} | [[http://wiki.inf.ufpr.br/larsis/|LaRSiS]] and [[https://web.inf.ufpr.br/vri|VRI]] research groups\\ [[http://web.inf.ufpr.br/pos|PPGInf]] - Graduate Program in Computer Science\\ [[http://www.inf.ufpr.br/|DInf]] - Computer Science Department\\ [[http://www.ufpr.br|UFPR]] - Federal University of Paraná\\ \\ [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curitiba|Curitiba PR]], Brazil ([[https://goo.gl/maps/VLrBFzp9aE52|campus map]])\\ \\ E-mail: maziero @ inf ufpr br |
 +**Disclaimer**: //These pages are of my responsibility and do not express the opinion of my employer or any other organization − Estas páginas são de minha responsabilidade e não refletem a opinião de meu empregador ou de qualquer outra entidade//.
 +The content of these pages is AI-free, written by a human to humans.