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software:embedded_fonts_in_pdfs [2016/10/20 16:05] – criada mazierosoftware:embedded_fonts_in_pdfs [2020/10/09 14:08] (atual) maziero
Linha 1: Linha 1:
 +===== Embedded fonts in PDF using LaTeX =====
 +A PDF file with embedded fonts includes the descriptions of all fonts it uses in the PDF file itself. This ensures that the file will be correctly displayed and printed everywhere, as it will not depend on the local availability of the fonts it uses. **Font embedding is mandatory for papers accepted in IEEE and ACM conferences**.
 +It is simple to generate a PDF file with embedded fonts in LaTeX, using the following steps. First, the ''.tex'' file should be normally compiled using LaTeX:
 +  latex myfile.tex
 +After that, the ''.dvi'' file should be converted in PostScript:
 +  dvips -Ppdf -G0 -tA4 myfile.dvi
 +Finally, the PostScript file can be converted in PDF, using:
 +  ps2pdfwr -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dMAxSubsetPct=100 \
 +           -dSubsetFonts=true -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress  \
 +           -dEmbedAllFonts=true -sPAPERSIZE=a4 myfile.ps
 +The steps above consider the use of A4 paper format. For letter-sized paper, the following commands should be used instead:
 +  dvips -Ppdf -G0 -tletter myfile.dvi
 +  ps2pdfwr -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dMAxSubsetPct=100 \
 +           -dSubsetFonts=true -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress  \
 +           -dEmbedAllFonts=true -sPAPERSIZE=letter myfile.ps 
 +The resulting PDF file can then be optimized, in order to reduce its loading time:
 +  pdfopt myfile.pdf myfile.pdf.tmp
 +  mv myfile.pdf.tmp myfile.pdf
 +This procedure generates PDFs compliant to the [[http://www.ieee.org/portal/pages/pubs/confstandards/pdfexpress/index.html|IEEE PDF eXpress]] validation tool. The final PDF file can be checked to confirm that all fonts are embedded and other eXpress requirements:
 +  pdfinfo  myfile.pdf
 +  pdffonts myfile.pdf